Dear Dr. Man, I eat healthy and work out five days a week, but still have a stomach pouch. Can you give me more information about liposuction? Also, how do I know if I should get liposuction, or whether I need a tummy tuck?
Did you know that liposuction is the number one procedure of choice to remove belly fat? Liposuction is safe, requires little downtime, and can be performed on just about any area of the body. It is most commonly used to remove excess fat from the stomach, abdomen, inner and outer thighs, buttocks, back, neck, arms, and knees. Scars are minimal; and risks may include swelling, infection and “dimpling” of the skin.
Liposuction is often performed under local anesthesia. Fat is removed by inserting a hollow tube, known as a cannula, through tiny ¼ inch incisions under the skin. The cannula is connected to a suction device that vacuums out the unwanted fat. After liposuction, patients wear a surgical garment for several days to weeks.
Men most often request liposuction in order to remove bulging around the waist and calves (a.k.a. spare tires), and to reduce the appearance of enlarged male breasts, a condition known as gynecomastia. Since “six pack abs” have become quite popular among men, we are seeing a procedure known as “ab etching” increase in popularity as well. This procedure removes fat between the muscles and ribs, so that the ab muscles appear more prominently. This gives the patient a much more defined, muscle-toned appearance.
Women most often request liposuction to remove excess fatty deposits developed during pregnancy. Tummy pouches, loose belly skin, “love handles” around the waist, flabby arms, and bulges on the back and buttocks are also among the most common complaints. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction is very effective for these areas of “high” density fatty tissue.
Whether you require an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) or liposuction depends on the amount of fat you need removed. Larger volumes of excess fat may require a surgical tummy tuck, or a combination of both liposuction and tummy tuck. If you and your surgeon find that you have too much loose skin, liposuction may not be enough, and you may need a tummy tuck. Good luck to you!
Next topic: Getting rid of cellulite.
Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit
A Tummy Tuck is recommended for patients with excess or redundant abdominal skin and/or laxity of abdominal muscles. This is usually seen among women who have undergone multiple pregnancies or patients with massive weight loss after bariatric surgery. To be a good candidate for this procedure, patients must be physically healthy with a stable weight, have realistic expectations, do not smoke, and do not have any uncontrolled medical illnesses. The procedure cannot correct stretch marks, although these may be removed or somewhat improved if they are located in areas of excess skin that will be excised or generally at those treated areas below the belly button. Tummy Tuck in the Philippines