Friday, December 11, 2009

Ask Dr. Man- Thigh Lift

Dear Dr. Man, I’m 41 years old and in pretty decent shape; but my inner thighs are flabby and it makes me very self-conscious. Is liposuction the way to go? Is there any other surgery to correct this problem? Signed, Pam

Dear Pam, The skin along the inner thighs generally has less tone and elasticity than the skin along the flanks or the outer thighs. As a result of aging, weight loss and excessive exposure to the sun, the skin of the inner thighs can become thin, loose or hanging.

Even for people with a thick layer of fat along the inner thigh, liposuction alone will not make the skin tighter. What can be done is a procedure known as a thigh lift, which is usually done in combination with some liposuction. The surgeon generally performs liposuction of the inner thigh area first, in order to loosen the overlying skin. Then, an incision is made along the groin crease where the front of the thigh meets the lower abdomen. The incision continues around the upper inner thigh and ends in the crease below the buttock. The skin and tissue underneath are then pulled upward until the skin is taut, and the excess tissue is then trimmed off. A deep layer of stitches is placed in the strong connective tissue of the thigh. Dissolving stitches are then used to close the skin.

After surgery, you can expect to wear a lower body compression garment around the clock for about two weeks, except when showering. You may feel some generalized discomfort along the thigh area, along with a burning sensation along the stitch line in your groin crease at the top of the thigh. You may find it difficult to bend forward or sit in a chair, as this puts the most tension on the stitches. Standing or reclining flat tends to be the most comfortable position for patients the first few days after surgery. You should avoid strenuous activity for three to four weeks following surgery.

The down sides to an inner thigh lift are prolonged recovery and possible visible scars. I would recommend possibly first attempting liposuction alone with some of the newer methods of fat removal.

Visit a board-certified plastic surgeon to see if this or another type of surgery is right for you.

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Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

1 comment:

  1. thigh lift surgery remove hanging skin from the thigh via surgery, Reshape thigh looking is very pretty and young.

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