Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Ear Surgery

Dear Dr. Man, My eight year old son is handsome and outgoing, but has ears that stick out. It’s never been much of an issue, but now he’s beginning to get teased. I talked to other mothers about this and they think I should wait until he’s older to have the surgery, but I don’t want him to be the subject of ridicule. Is he too young to get surgery to correct this issue? What can we expect from this surgery? What does it entail?

Ear surgery, otherwise known as otoplasty, is usually done to set prominent ears back closer to the head or to reduce the size of large ears. For many people, especially school age children, large, protruding ears can be an embarrassment and the source of teasing from classmates. Luckily, there are procedures available to help. Many children over the age of four have this surgery. Because of the emotional aspect of having large, protruding ears, it is usually better to have the surgery earlier rather than later.

Otoplasty is usually performed with IV sedation. The procedure, which takes about 2-3 hours, requires the surgeon to remove skin and cartilage from the back of the ear. Sutures are placed behind the ear and over the repaired cartilage. Even when only one ear appears to protrude, surgery is usually performed on both ears for a better balance.

Immediately after surgery, the patient's head is wrapped to promote the best molding and healing. Within a few days, the dressings and stitches are either removed or will dissolve in about a week. Scars are well hidden. Patients are usually back to school or work in a week.

In the initial meeting, your plastic surgeon will evaluate your son’s condition and recommend the most effective technique. He or she will also give you specific instructions on how to prepare your son for surgery. Most patients, young and old alike, are very pleased with the results of ear surgery. If you and your son have discussed the procedure and expectations with the surgeon before the operation, chances are you both will be quite pleased with the results. Good luck!

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Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

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