Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Rhinoplasty

Dear Dr. Man, I just graduated college and would like to get a nose job. I’ve always had an unsightly bump and I have huge nostrils. Let’s just say my nose is, by no means, my best feature. Can you please tell me what a nose job entails and what I can expect?

Congratulations on your graduation. Surgery to reshape the nose (otherwise known as rhinoplasty) is one of the most common of all plastic surgery procedures. It is common among people of all ages, both men and women. Rhinoplasty can be used to reshape the nose in many ways, depending on the patient’s needs and desires. Some of these ways include reducing or increasing the size of the nose, changing the shape of the tip or the bridge, narrowing the span of the nostrils, or even changing the angle between your nose and your upper lip. Rhinoplasty can also be used to correct injuries or birth defects, or to help relieve breathing problems.

The best candidates for rhinoplasty are people who are looking to improve their appearance, are physically healthy, psychologically stable and realistic in their expectations.

Rhinoplasty can be performed under local with IV sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the procedure and on what you and your surgeon prefer. Rhinoplasty usually takes an hour or two; however, complicated procedures may take longer. When the surgery is complete, a splint will be applied to help your nose maintain its new shape. Nasal packs or soft plastic splints also may be placed in your nostrils to stabilize the septum, the dividing wall between the air passages.

When rhinoplasty is performed by a qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon, complications are infrequent and usually minor. You can reduce these risks by carefully following your surgeon's instructions. In the days following surgery, your face will be bruised and swollen, but this passes; each day, your nose will begin to look better. Healing is a gradual process; and some subtle swelling may be present for months after surgery.

Rhinoplasty can do wonders to enhance your appearance and boost your self-confidence. When meeting with your plastic surgeon, discuss your expectations and realistic options for you.

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Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Uneven Breasts

Dear Dr. Man, I’m 24 years old and I have an embarrassing problem- my breasts are uneven. I am a small A on the right side and a full B on the left side. I always have to wear a size B bra and then stuff one side. I’m sick of it. What can I do? Can I get an implant in my right breast to even it out with the left one? What if I want my breasts to be larger? Signed, Uneven in Boca

Dear Uneven, This is actually a very common problem that I treat quite often. In order to correct the problem, I most often use silicone breast implants on both sides, in order to make sure they are even. The new silicone breast implants, recently approved by the FDA, are very natural looking and feeling. Since you will be getting implants on both sides, you can choose to stay the same size or go larger.

There are two main factors to consider when it comes to the size of your implants, namely: the size of the breast in proportion to the size of your body and the characteristics of your breast tissue. Every individual differs in these areas. The ideal breast size should balance with your height and weight measurements. The size also largely depends upon how much natural breast tissue you have. For example, a woman with more breast tissue will need her implants filled with fewer cc’s (volume) in order to get the size she desires.

Many women believe that an augmented breast will not sag, which is not true. The tendency of the breast to sag is related to the loss of skin elasticity and how thin the tissue is surrounding the breast. If you choose an implant that is too large, it can actually cause the tissue to stretch and, thus, cause more sagging to occur.

The type and size of the implants that are best for you depends upon what you want and what your breast tissue will allow you to have. I encourage you to discuss all of your options with a board-certified plastic surgeon during your pre-operative consultation.

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Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Friday, January 29, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- FotoFacial

Dear Dr. Man, My aunt got a FotoFacial at her plastic surgeon’s office and she looks great. She’s 15 years older than me, yet people are telling us we look like sisters. I want one! She also said that it may help with sunspots, which I have quite a few of on my face. Please tell me more about this procedure. Is it painful? What kind of results can I expect?

Foto Facials offer full face, neck and chest treatments using gentle pulses of light to smooth the skin and improve its texture. For the first time, it offers an effective treatment for reducing redness and flushing, age spots, sun damage, spider veins, rosacea, large pores and dilated capillaries, with little or no downtime or discomfort, and with minimal risk.

The best candidates for FotoFacial are people with early sun damage and aging of the skin who desire a healthier and more youthful appearing skin. They want to improve their skin but do not want any downtime to interfere with social or outdoor activities. It is also ideal for people who suffer from redness and flushing.

Each treatment takes approximately 45-60 minutes, during which time a series of light pulses, similar to the flash of a camera, will be applied to the skin. For those with more sensitive skin, a mild topical anesthetic can be applied. A full face can be done at one sitting using varying settings to maximize skin improvement. A series of five or more treatments are performed at three week intervals.

You can expect to see a gradual decrease in overall redness, flushing and dilated capillaries. Patients with sun damage can expect to see their skin become smoother with a decrease in fine wrinkles, reduced pore size and fading of sun spots. Many patients with Rosacea see an improvement in breakouts and are able to decrease or discontinue their medications. Of course, you should always consult with a physician before making any changes to your medications.

After your first treatment, you can expect your skin to feel smoother and to have a more even tone. These improvements are gradual and will become more visible after each treatment. Five treatments are performed at three week intervals for optimal results. Some patients may require additional treatments. Consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist to see which treatment options are right for you.

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Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Triactive

Dear Dr. Man, My family passed along some good genes to my twin sister and me. Unfortunately, they also passed along the cellulite gene. We’re 36 years old and both my twin and I are actually very thin and have athletic bodies. However, we have horrible cellulite around our thighs and our behinds. No amount of exercise or dieting has helped. My sister mentioned that she read something about Triactive and how it uses a laser and is less invasive than other treatments like lipo. Can you please give me the basics on cellulite and how Triactive can help- also, what it entails? Signed, Twin in Delray

The term cellulite refers to the dimpled appearance of the skin that occurs on hips, thighs and buttocks. This appearance is much more common in women due to the differences in the way fat, muscle, and connective tissue are distributed in men and women’s skin. The American Academy of Dermatology reports that at least 80% of women have cellulite. Currently, more than 45 million women in the U.S between the ages of 20 and 50 suffer from this condition.

The different types of cellulite include: edematous, adipose, interstitial, fibrous or localized adiposity. The causes of cellulite include: genetics, hormonal, vascular, lack of exercise, stress, poor nutrition, digestive disorders and systemic diseases.

Triactive is the only laser FDA approved for cellulite treatment. It is helpful in achieving the following:

- To reduce cellulite, which appears as a “cottage cheese” lumps under the skin
- Pre liposuction: To ease the surgical procedure
- Post-liposuction: To assist with contouring
- Facial Smoothing and Tightening
- Body Smoothing
- Enhancement of microcirculation
- Therapeutic micro massage
- Adipose lymphatic drainage
- Provides noticeable results before and after liposuction, breast augmentation, abdominoplasty and others.

Various parts of the body can be treated with Triactive, including:

- Thighs and buttocks
- Upper arms and neck
- Tightening of the love handles
- Abdomen

Patients who have been treated using Triactive report no pain, and a feeling similar to “having a massage.” Part of this sensation is due to an increase in circulation. Typically the treatment is done in a series of about 10 to 15 treatments to a given area. These can be spaced as closely as three times per week, or once per week.

Your individual results can depend on several factors: The number of areas being treated, your age and general condition and the number of treatments. Typically patients see noticeable improvements after six to eight treatments.

Normally, the series of Triactive treatments can be done annually, with follow-up monthly maintenance treatments. If you have experienced weight reduction, a change in your body fat composition (and need additional tightening) or are have other areas of your body treated, you may want to consider a miniseries of treatments.

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Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Ivivi

Dear Dr. Man, My friend has had quite a bit of plastic surgery in her life. She just had some more plastic surgery and her surgeon gave her a device to take home to help speed up her healing. For the life of me, I can’t remember the name. It had its own controls and delivered electric impulses. What is this device called and can you please tell me more about it?

Most likely, your friend’s surgeon used a newer device called the Ivivi, which helps speed recovery from surgery. It is shaped like a lasso and made of white wire, with a control that is easily operated. The Ivivi is a portable, battery-operated device that is activated by the patient, delivering tiny electrical pulses to the incision sites.

Backed by years of research, Ivivi can reduce swelling and pain associated with surgical procedures. In fact, 80% of patients who use Ivivi report their delight at its effectiveness in reducing post-operative pain.

Ivivi is also used to ease the pain and discomfort of non-invasive procedures such as Botox and chemical peels. The most dramatic effect Ivivi has is on patients following major surgery. I had one patient recently who had a full body lift to remove excess skin after he lost almost 200 pounds. A full body lift is one of the most painful procedures done by plastic surgeons. Body lifts usually entail a long and painful recovery. I had this patient use Ivivi to accelerate the healing process; in turn, it helped him get back to work in only two weeks, which is nearly unheard of following such major surgery.

Ivivi works through clothing, dressings or even casts. The applicator head is swung over the treated area, lightly resting against the treated area. The applicator doesn't need to touch the patient directly. A button is pushed and treatment begins, lasting 30 minutes. Treatments are generally given twice or three times a day.

Ivivi is extremely safe. There are no side effects and no chance of overdose or negative interactions with other treatments. In over 600,000 treatments, there have been no adverse effects reported. The technology is designed in such a way that only injured or damaged tissues respond. Healthy tissue is not affected in any way.
If you’re considering plastic surgery, consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

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Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Mini-Tuck

Dear Dr. Man, I’m turning 50 this year and I feel so old. Everyone tells me I have a great body, but I really want a tummy tuck. Everyone thinks that because I’m skinny (I wear a size 2) that I have a perfect body. But I feel uncomfortable wearing a bikini. I always feel like I have a pooch in my lower belly. My kids are grown now and I really want a tummy tuck. My husband thinks I’m nuts, as do all of my friends. Is it crazy for a thin person to get a tummy tuck? What about a mini-tuck? Signed, Mid-life crisis in Boca

Having children can wreak havoc on a woman’s stomach- even a thin woman. There are many thin women who get tummy tucks or mini-tummy tucks. You must do what is good for you and what you feel comfortable with. Just know that there are many other women who feel like you do and who have yielded excellent results from surgery.
In fact, thinner women with firm, flat abdominal muscles who have excess skin and fat only below the navel are usually excellent candidates for a mini-abdominoplasty, also known as a mini-tummy tuck. This procedure can produce excellent results; but only a limited number of women are good candidates for this particular surgery.
In a partial of modified tummy tuck, the incision is often shorter and the navel may not need to be moved. The abdominal skin is lifted up only from the top of the pubic hair line to the navel. The skin flap is then stretched downward, removing the excess tissue, and then the flap is stitched back into place.
Most women after pregnancy have stretched out the muscle and skin above their navel, making many women better candidates for a full abdominoplasty. Many women request a mini-tummy tuck in order to avoid what they perceive to be a more invasive procedure (i.e., a full tummy tuck). However, a full abdominoplasty is usually more satisfying for women because it allows the surgeon to repair the abdominal wall muscles and remove excess skin above the navel as well.
If you’re a good candidate, a tummy tuck is a great procedure to eliminate excess skin and fat, narrow the waistline, get rid of stretch marks on the lower abdomen and improve the appearance of the navel. Sometimes doing less is more; and other times a full procedure is the way to go. I recommend speaking to a board-certified plastic surgeon to evaluate which procedure is right for you.

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Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Monday, January 25, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Droopy Eyelids

Dear Dr. Man, Overall, I’m pretty happy with my body and have never needed plastic surgery, but there is one part of me that I really want to change. I have very droopy eyelids and it makes me look old. I’m only 34, but people sometimes think I’m in my 40’s. How embarrassing, especially since I have a nice body. Is there any surgery available to fix my droopy eyelids so I can look my age, or even younger? Will surgery leave scars?

Eyelid surgery, otherwise known as blepharoplasty, is a popular surgery to help reduce the tired, sad look associated with sagging, droopy eyelids. It also helps reduce puffy look and bags under the eye by removing excess fat.
Droopy eyelids, dark circles and puffy bags under the eyes can give you a tired, puffy appearance, even though you may feel rested and full of energy. Eyelid surgery is a procedure to remove fat - usually along with excess skin and muscle - from the upper and lower eyelids. The surgery can also correct drooping upper lids, which cause a hooding effect and may even interfere with your vision (this condition is known as ptosis of the eyelid). This surgery is also popular among people of ethnic heritage, especially Asians, who are often characterized by an absence of a crease or a fold in the upper eyelid. Eyelid surgery can add this crease to give a more “Western” look, but it does not erase evidence of ethnic or racial heritage.
It is important to understand that eyelid surgery is not a treatment for everything. It will not correct crow's feet or other wrinkles, or lift sagging eyebrows. There are other procedures that are used to treat these conditions. An eye lift can be performed by itself, or combined with other popular cosmetic procedures such as a brow or forehead lift, facelift, cosmetic laser surgery, skin resurfacing, etc.
Eyelid surgery is performed in the doctor's operating facility and takes about 1-2 hours. The incisions are well hidden in the natural creases of the upper eyelids and inside the lower lid. Often lasers will be used to make the incisions, so that the excess fatty tissue and skin can be removed. Using the laser, or a peel, your surgeon can also resurface areas of skin under the eyes that may need treatment, such as dark circles or "crepe-paper" skin.
After surgery, patients usually experience some swelling, bruising, and tightness of eyelids. There may also be some numbness, itching and dryness. Temporary light sensitivity may occur. Patients usually can return to work in approximately 3-5 days, and can begin wearing eye makeup in about 5-7 days.
I recommend that you consult with your plastic surgeon to see if eyelid surgery is right for you.

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Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Magnet Healing

Dear Dr. Man, My sister recently had a facelift at your office and looks great. When I visited her the day after her surgery, she was using magnets to speed up her healing. I couldn’t believe it when she told me you instructed her to do this. Please tell me more- I’m fascinated by this.

Thousands of people are choosing to undergo plastic surgery to look younger and thinner. Some people in the past have avoided plastic surgery because they fear the healing process; however, there is now a way to make plastic surgery even easier.

I have found a new and unusual way to help speed up recovery from procedures such as face lifts, eye lifts and neck lifts. Magnets can play a big part in recovery from surgery. The body has an interesting electro magnetic field; and sometimes what you see is loss of this field due to an injury. By putting a magnet next to the area that has been operated on, you re-establish the good electromagnetic field and there is less swelling, bruising and black and blue, especially in the face. I conducted a study involving 20 patients of my patients. Seventy percent of those patients reported healing faster by wearing magnetic patches after surgery.

Patients who have undergone magnetic therapy during the recovery period report give it rave reviews, saying that with the use of magnets, there is hardly any pain associated with recovering from a full face lift.

Many people fear face lifts and liposuctions and tummy tucks because of the pain after surgery. One of the reasons people have discomfort and pain after surgery is because of swelling- the swelling just stretches the tissue. But when you put the magnet next to the area that had the suction, for instance, or the face lift, what you see actually is that the swelling comes down. And that makes people more comfortable. Magnets are simple and inexpensive- prompting compliance with the doctor’s post-operative orders. Patients wear the magnets several hours a day, immediately following surgery.
If you’re considering plastic surgery, consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to see if magnetic therapy is right for you.

Email Questions and Comments

Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Implants for Teenagers

Dear Dr. Man, I’m turning 16 and instead of a party, I’ve asked my parents to buy me breast implants- they were not so keen on the idea. I’m a small B and very self-conscious about my chest. Two of my friends are getting implants, so I don’t see why my parents are making a big deal out of this. Can you give me your take on this topic please?

Getting breast implants at a young age is a controversial subject with many different opinions. Teen breast augmentation is on the rise. According to the American Society for Plastic Surgery, in 2006 there were approximately 329,000 breast augmentations in the United States. 9,104 of them were for patients in the 13 - 19 year old category. That is a 12% increase in teenage breast augmentation from 2005 to 2006!
Parents giving breast implants for Sweet 16 and graduation presents may be on the rise and it may seem like all of your friends are getting them, but it may not be the best decision for you.
While there are medical exceptions, it is generally not a good idea to get breast implants prior to age 18. There are two reasons why I feel this way. The first reason is that the body is still growing. Although everyone is different, your breasts will likely continue to grow until you are about 19 years old. Your breasts can also be affected by weight gain, as well as naturally occurring and supplemental hormones such as the birth control pill.
Another factor in my hesitation to perform implant surgery on teenagers is because of the motivation behind getting the implants. Many teenagers want implants because their friends are getting them. Others feel that it will make them more appealing to the opposite sex. In my opinion, none of these are good reasons for someone so young to get implants. Getting implants is a decision that requires experience and mental maturity. Why not wait until you are a bit older, your body is done developing and you are able to make a more informed decision about your breasts.

There are cases in which it is necessary or desirable to perform implant surgery on teenagers, such as severe asymmetry or reconstruction. Some people ask me, “If you can do surgery on those girls, why can’t I have it?” My answer is that there is a difference between having small breasts that you’d like bigger and having a pair of breasts that are of unequal sizes, such as an A cup on the right side and a C cup on the left side.
The decision to have surgery is between you, your parents and your doctor. My recommendation is to be safe and follow the advice of a board-certified plastic surgeon.

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Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Friday, January 22, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Implant Size

Dear Dr. Man, I have a consultation scheduled next month with a plastic surgeon to get breast implants. I’m a 32AA and I’ve always wanted implants. I obviously want larger breasts, but I’m unsure of what size to get. I want a D-cup, but my boyfriend and my family thinks I’m crazy for going so big since I have a tiny body. Do you have any advice?

The decision of what size implant you should get is not one to take lightly. I’m glad to hear you’re considering all of your options. The first thing to remember is that one size does not fit all. For example, while a D-cup may look great on a tall, medium-framed woman, it may be too big on a petite, small-framed woman.
There are two main factors to consider when it comes to the size of your implants, namely: the size of the breast in proportion to the size of your body and the characteristics of your breast tissue. Every individual differs in these areas. The ideal breast size should balance with your height and weight measurements. The size also largely depends upon how much natural breast tissue you have. For example, a woman with more breast tissue will need her implants filled with fewer cc’s (volume) in order to get the size she desires.

Many women believe that an augmented breast will not sag, which is not true. If you choose an implant that is too large, it can actually cause the tissue to stretch and, thus, cause more sagging to occur.The tendency of the breast to sag is related to the loss of skin elasticity and how thin the tissue is surrounding the breast.
Another decision you will have to make when it comes to getting implants is whether to get silicone or saline implants. There are benefits and tradeoffs for both. Studies have shown both saline and silicone implants to be safe and effective. Before the FDA banned the use of silicone implants in the U.S. about 13 years ago, over 90% of surgeons preferred silicone over saline. The reason is because silicone implants feel and look more natural, can be more predictable and are considered safe. In 2006, the FDA lifted the ban on silicone breast implants.
Silicone implants have been reported by patients to feel softer and more natural than saline. They also have the ability to naturally adjust as you move. This does not mean, however, that they are the right choice for every woman. Saline implants can feel more firm than natural breast tissue. They have been known to ripple, and this can be felt if the breast tissue covering the implant is insufficient. However, adjustable saline implants can be useful in some women, whose breasts are very asymmetrical, or in women who have had massive weight loss and whose skin has stretched a great deal. Adjustable saline implants also allow the surgeon to fill the implant after surgery, in attempt to achieve the desirable size and fullness the patient is looking for. .
The type and size of the implants that are best for you depends upon what you want and what your breast tissue will allow you to have. When you meet with a board-certified plastic surgeon for a consultation, he or she will be able to talk to you about your various options.

Email Questions and Comments

Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Post Operation

Dear Dr. Man, I am having plastic surgery done in June and I’m concerned about the pain and recovery following my surgery. Specifically, how much pain will I be in after surgery? How soon before I can go back to work? How soon before I can exercise? I’ll be having a facelift, tummy tuck and implants.

Each patient handles post-operative pain differently. While some patients only feel minor aches, others may feel greater discomfort. Surgery that requires elevation or tightening of muscles, such as an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) or breast augmentation may cause more post-operative pain. After your surgery, your doctor will prescribe you pain medications to help minimize any discomfort.

Recuperation time after plastic surgery varies, depending on the procedure performed and the person operated on. Most patients require assistance for the first two days after surgery. After that, most patients can care for themselves. For facelift surgery, patients are usually up and about by the second day. Patients are usually out in public in about 5-7 days. Most patients wait about 10-14 days before returning to work.

Following breast surgery , patients usually get around independently by the second day. Many return to work after about 5-7 days, as long as their work does not require them to lift more than 15 pounds.

Patients usually take between 2 and 4 days before getting around independently after a tummy tuck. The recovery from a tummy tuck is very similar to that of a C-section. Patients can usually return to a desk job after about 5 to7 days, and most other jobs in about10 to 14 days.
The time a patient resumes regular exercises varies based on the operation(s) performed. All patients are encouraged to start a slow walking routine on the second day following surgery. Regular aerobic and more vigorous activities are not allowed during the first two weeks, in order to decrease the risks of bleeding, swelling, and bruising. Weight lifting and contact sports are allowed at 1 month in most instances.

Your recovery times will vary since you are having all three procedures at once. Your doctor and nurses should give you all of the information you need regarding recovery times. A good rule of thumb is to rest as long as you can to let your body heal and to allow any swelling to go down.

Email Questions and Comments

Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Young Botox

Dear Dr. Man, I was at a bridal shower today and I was shocked to hear the bride and bridesmaids say that they have each gotten Botox injections. These girls are only in their mid-20’s. What’s the deal with such young, beautiful people getting Botox at such an early age?

Botox is supposed to give you a lift and make you look younger. But it's not just older people who are trying it. The "young" are even trying to look more youthful

Botox Cosmetic has become a very popular means of reducing certain facial wrinkles, including frown lines of the forehead and crows feet around the eyes. Frown lines are the vertical lines caused by contraction of the muscles of the eyebrows. Injecting Botox next to the muscles of the eyebrows and forehead causes the muscles to relax, smoothing out the vertical lines. Botox has become very popular with both men and women, in order to regain a more youthful appearance.

Botox used to be more common in people in their mid-to late-thirties and older; however, we’ve been seeing an increase in younger women looking to get Botox injections- even women in their 20’s. Most board-certified plastic surgeons will evaluate each patient on a case-by-case basis. There are some cases where someone’s face is very expressive, thus very deep frown lines appear at a young age.

So, how young is too young? The American Society for Plastic Surgeons does not recommend cosmetic procedures for anyone under the age of 18, except for rhinoplasty, breast reduction and treatment of congenital deformities. Even though it might seem a bit extreme for young women to get Botox injections, the risk is relatively low. It really depends on how early people begin developing wrinkles and how severe the wrinkles are.

A study conducted in 2006 suggests that consistent Botox treatment may prevent the development of imprinted lines and wrinkles associated with aging. The study looked at Botox use as a preventative measure of wrinkles, rather than a reactive one. This study showed that if a patient is 18 years or older, treating the first sign of a wrinkle may actually prevent future wrinkles.

As always, every patient differs. You should consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to assess your individual needs.

Email Questions and Comments

Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Necklift

Dear Dr. Man, For the past five years or so, I’ve noticed that the skin around my neck is loose and sagging. It makes me look so old, yet the rest of my body looks pretty good. I’m only 55 and want this fixed. What can I do?

As we age, the muscles and skin of our neck and lower face begin to sag and lose its definition. Jowls may form as muscles loosen and fat deposits along the jaw line. Fat is also deposited under the chin, causing the neck to become thick and wide. The neck muscles weaken and separate; and bands form, which further weaken the shape and structure of the neck, causing a "turkey gobbler" effect.
It sounds like you might benefit from a procedure called a neck lift. A neck lift helps to remove excess loose skin and fat under the neck by tightening muscles and re-draping skin. This procedure can produce excellent results by improving the neck, jaw line, and cord-like structures in the front of the neck; it is also used to help correct a double chin.
A neck lift is performed under local I.V. or general anesthesia and usually takes two to three hours. While recovering, you may experience some numbness, swelling, or bruising. Recovery takes time and it's important that you're patient with the process. Most people can return to work in about a week.
Neck lifts are often performed in conjunction with a facelift, although they can be performed alone. In addition, endoscopic techniques are often used to remove excess fat and tighten muscles of the neck. In some cases, suction techniques may be all that is required to remove excess fat from the neck.
There are many factors that can contribute to loose and sagging skin in the neck, including aging, genetics, or a major weight loss. Whatever the reason, people young and old undergo neck lift procedures all the time; and they enjoy long-term, natural-looking improvements. I recommend that you visit a board-certified plastic surgeon for a consultation to decide which procedure is right for you.

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Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Monday, January 18, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Mosaic

Dear Dr. Man, My friend just had her face done to remove wrinkles- she’s a sun worshipper and she looked older than she is. She now looks great and so young!. She couldn’t remember the exact name of the laser her plastic surgeon used- she thinks its something like Mosaic. Can you tell me the exact name of this procedure and how it works- its benefits, etc.?

There is a great new laser out there called Mosaic. Mosaic is the first laser to use a new patented process of CCT to remove wrinkles, sun damage and acne scars. FDA-approved, Mosaic is considered the most advanced laser system to date, and it is the first to use a new patented process of Controlled Chaos Technology (CCT) to remove wrinkles, sun damage and acne scars.

Its unique patented CCT computerized delivery system delivers the laser energy in a controlled random "chaos" pattern, which penetrates deeper without thermal damage.

Benefits include: no downtime; immediate results; fewer treatments
than other lasers; the ability to see results during the first Treatment; no scarring; the ability to tighten skin and reduce acne scarring.

MOSAIC is an advanced aesthetic solution based on the latest in fractional technology. Unlike traditional lasers and light-based technologies that achieve homogenous thermal damage at a particular depth, MOSAIC’s exclusive patented techniques work by delivering multiple arrays of randomized microscopic laser beams to the skin.

These beams produce deep, collimated Micro Necrotic Columns (MNCs) that can penetrate as far down to the reticular dermis, while sparing surrounding viable tissues.

The outcome produces more natural, more uniform skin regeneration with minimal downtime and dramatic clinical improvements.

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Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Earlobe Rejuvenation

Dear Dr. Man, I recently saw on the Internet something called earlobe rejuvenation. This fascinates me because I’m quite embarrassed about the way my earlobes look. I’ve worn heavy earrings my whole life and I’m sure that didn’t help. Please tell me more about earlobe rejuvenation.

As we get older, our ear lobes tend to hollow out, stretch out, thin, enlarge, or even droop. In addition, the more people talk on the phone, sleep on their ears or wear heavier earrings, the more damage their ears may experience.
Recently, cosmetic advances have been made in the field of plastic surgery to correct problem earlobes. One such method is adding Restylane, a popular filler, to the ear lobes. In some cases, a person’s own fat is another filler that can be used. Injecting the ear lobe elevates the drooping. It can also decrease the size of the expanded hole caused by wearing heavy earrings.
Often people who have a facelift notice problems with their ear lobes. After a face lift, the ear lobe can lose the most volume. In these cases, Restylane can be very useful. By adding volume to the earlobes, earrings can hang directly outward instead of drooping down and out. The positive effects of injecting Restylane in the ear lobe offer a simple alternative to surgery.
Earlobe rejuvenation helps with resurfacing for smooth ear lobes, as well as fat transfer or Restylane for plumping up the ear lobes. Occasionally, the lobe is too large or has stretched too much. This can be easily corrected using lift, which leaves a small, inconspicuous scar that runs along the edge of the ear.
Best of luck to you.

Email Questions and Comments

Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Arms

Dear Dr. Man, Please help me! I have the flabbiest upper arms ever! I lost a lot of weight about 5 years ago and have kept it off, but I have so much skin under my arms and I hate it. I’m getting married next year and I want to wear a nice dress and not be ashamed of my arms. What kind of procedure can I get to correct this problem? Signed, Distressed in Boca

Dear Distressed, Congratulations on your weight loss and your upcoming wedding. As we get older, our upper arm skin can become loose and flabby. As you have observed first-hand, it is also very common to have excess skin in this area following a dramatic weight loss. In fact, loose upper arm skin is most often related to weight loss. When people are overweight, they tend to develop heavy upper arms. To accommodate the increased volume of the upper arms, the skin stretches. After weight loss, skin often fails to tighten; and therefore, it sags. The way to improve this problem is through an arm lift, also called brachioplasty. An arm lift is a surgical procedure to remove loose skin and excess fat deposits in the upper arm. An arm lift can help tighten this skin, which can do wonders for self-esteem.
Prior to surgery, the plastic surgeon marks the areas of excess skin to be removed. Once the skin is removed, the wound is stitched together and occasionally a drain is used. The operation is most commonly done as an outpatient, which means you can be home within a few hours. After surgery, bandages are applied. This can be anything from an extensive absorbent bandage with elastic support to a simple dressing with paper tapes (steri-strips). Patients are usually back to work within a week. Exercise can usually be resumed within about 2 weeks.
One of the drawbacks of this surgery is the scarring. Scars will extend from the armpit to the elbow, along the inside of the arm. In general, those with very loose saggy skin are happy to exchange the loose skin for the scars; however, those with a small amount of looseness will probably not want the scars. Some of these people with a small amount of loose skin can benefit from Smart Lipo. In some cases, a plastic surgeon may suggest that liposuction be used in conjunction with an arm lift to remove excess fat in the upper arms. Your plastic surgeon can help evaluate your needs and discuss treatment options. Best of luck to you!

Email Questions and Comments

Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Friday, January 15, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Board-certified plastic surgeon

Dear Dr. Man, In your column, you mention that people should visit a board-certified plastic surgeon. How do you find one? How do you know if they’re board certified? Are there any other criteria I should look at when selecting a plastic surgeon? I want to get quite a bit of work done and obviously I want someone who is qualified. I live in Massachusetts most of the year and want to have the work done there. Thank you.

When you decide to have cosmetic surgery, the first and most important step you can take is to find a doctor that is right for you, one that can help you reach your goals. You are correct- I always remind people to visit a board-certified plastic surgeon, to ensure that they are accredited and qualified. Board certified plastic surgeons are full-time plastic surgeons who are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), and who have the surgical skills and judgment to perform a wide range of aesthetic and reconstructive procedures on the total body. You can look on their website to find a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Once you have a list of board-certified plastic surgeons in your area, you can narrow down your search by asking friends, family members and colleagues you respect. Another good source is your family doctor or another medical professional. In my opinion, the phone book and advertisements are not the best resources for information. Exercise caution if you choose to use the Internet; and make sure any information you get is from a credible source. Be wary of web sites that provide referral services, which are often paid for by the doctor. Better Internet sources are those of professional organizations, such as the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Once you have a list of doctors you’ve compiled from your research, I suggest calling a few offices and getting answers to the following important questions before deciding on a surgeon:

· Is the surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, as discussed above?

· Is the surgeon a member in good standing of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Inc. and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS)? These organizations also represent board-certified plastic surgeons in the U.S. They can be a good resource for providing a list of board-certified plastic surgeons in your area. For more information about the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, call 888-4-plastic or visit; and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, call 215-587-9322 or visit

· Is the surgical facility fully equipped and accredited to perform outpatient surgery? Does the surgeon have privileges to perform these same procedures in the hospital? Accrediting organizations that can provide you with more information are: the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (888-545-5222 or; the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (630-792-5800 or www.; and the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (847-853-6060 or

Email Questions and Comments

Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Chin Implant

Dear Dr. Man, I’m 29 years old and I’ve been a lawyer for 3 years now. I’ve always hated the way my profile looks- it has to do with my chin and my nose. It looks like I don’t even have a chin. I am a trial lawyer, so impressions are everything in my field. How can I be confident in the courtroom if I’m so concerned about people looking at my chin? This is why I’d like to get a chin implant. I read about it in a magazine and saw before and after photos of people who have had chin implant surgery and nose jobs and they look amazing. Can you please give me more information about what surgery entails? Thanks, Lawyer Gal in Boca

Dear Lawyer Gal, Chin implant surgery is a common procedure used to bring balance to the facial structure by correcting a weak chin. The chin defines our profile; therefore, chin implant surgery helps to improve the shape, contour, and balance of the face using special implants designed just for the chin. A weak chin can make a normal nose appear larger and an already prominent nose seem even larger; a weak chin may also give the appearance of a fleshy neck. Therefore, chin implants are often done in combination with nose surgery or a facelift.

Your surgeon will select the proper size and shape implant to enhance your appearance. During surgery, the implant is inserted through a small incision underneath the chin. Several stitches are used to close the suture site. Usually the chin is taped after surgery to minimize swelling and discomfort. Sutures in the skin will be removed in five to seven days. If an intra-oral incision (in the mouth) is used, the sutures will dissolve.

After surgery, patients may feel temporary discomfort, with some swelling, bruising, stiffness, or numbness in the affected area. It's normal to experience some temporary difficulty with smiling and talking. Black and blue marks may be visible around the chin and neck. Your plastic surgeon will instruct you about dental hygiene, eating and any restrictions to your activities after surgery.

The results you see on television may often be more dramatic than what you see in real life and no doctor can perform miracles; however, a highly skilled surgeon can transform what you do have into a more balanced look altogether. Chin implant surgery can do wonders to improve the facial structure; and many patients love their new look after surgery. Patients talk of increased confidence in both their personal and professional lives after having this surgery.

I recommend that you consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to see if getting a chin implant is the correct decision for you. Good luck!

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Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Botox Parties

Dear Dr. Man, My friend is having a Botox party at her house and I’m very tempted to go. My face is starting to show its age. Can you give me more information about Botox?

Botox Cosmetic has become a very popular means of reducing certain facial wrinkles, including frown lines of the forehead and crows feet around the eyes. Frown lines are the vertical lines caused by contraction of the muscles of the eyebrows. Injecting Botox next to the muscles of the eyebrows and forehead causes the muscles to relax, smoothing out the vertical lines. Botox has become very popular with both men and women, in order to regain a more youthful appearance.

Botox Cosmetic has become so popular lately that some people are even hosting Botox parties. Usually these parties involve several people gathering together for cocktails and wrinkle-reducing injections. Please be advised that the FDA has issued statements warning of the possible hazards of "Botox parties." Botox injection is a medical procedure that should be performed in a controlled medical environment. According to the FDA, administering this treatment during a cocktail party greatly diminishes the gravity of this medical procedure. There is always a risk of adverse reactions or side effects after a Botox injection; so patients need to be in a medical setting that is equipped to handle an emergency situation. In addition, the ingestion of alcohol at or around the time of injection could worsen any bruising at the injection site.

Also, beware of places that offer “bargain Botox injections,” as they may dilute the concentration of Botox in each injection, which can make the results of the treatment less effective.

That being said, let’s talk more about what Botox is. Botox, a therapeutic muscle relaxer, is a by-product of botulinum toxin A (it is not a toxin itself). It acts directly on the nerves of the muscles, preventing the muscles and nerves from receiving electrical impulses. Botox is applied via injections, using a very fine needle. The procedure is relatively painless and takes only several minutes.

Botox has been used safely for over 20 years and was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for cosmetic use in April 2002. There are minimal side effects, although some complications, such as allergic reactions or swelling, can occur. Patients who are on antibiotics or other drugs should advise their doctor in advance, as these drugs may act to increase or reduce the potency of the injections. The results of Botox last about four to six months, depending on the patient, and should be repeated as necessary.

Botox is also used to treat some medical conditions. It is used to help decrease hyperhydrosis (excess sweating). Botox can also be effective for severe migraine or cluster headaches that don’t respond to other methods of treatment. Talk to your doctor if you have any of these problems, to see if Botox injections are the right course of treatment for you.

If you’re considering Botox or any other treatment or procedure, visit a board-certified plastic surgeon to see what is right for you.

Email Questions and Comments

Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Teen Breast Reduction

Dear Dr. Man, I am a junior in high school and I really want breast reduction surgery. I’ve had large breasts since I hit puberty. As a result, I have terrible back and shoulder pain. I’m also oddly shaped- I wear a full D cup but I’m only a size 2. I can’t buy dresses because my top is so much larger than my bottom half. My mom thinks I’m too young to get plastic surgery. She is also worried about me going under the knife. What do you think? Will there be scars? Signed, Teenage Torture

Dear Teenage Torture, Women and even teenagers with very large, pendulous breasts may experience a variety of medical problems caused by the excessive weight, including back, neck, and shoulder pain. In addition, there may be other physical discomforts, such as bra straps leaving indentations in their shoulders. Large breasts can also make women, especially teenage girls like you, feel embarrassed or self-conscious.

Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammoplasty, reduces disproportionate, oversized breasts by removing fat, glandular tissue and skin from the breasts, making them smaller, lighter and firmer. It can also reduce the size of the areola, the darker skin surrounding the nipple. The goal of the surgery is to give the woman smaller, better-shaped breasts in proportion with the rest of her body. In most cases, breast reduction isn't performed until a woman's breasts are fully developed; however, it can be done earlier if large breasts are causing serious physical discomfort..

Stitches are usually located around the areola, in a vertical line extending downward, and along the lower crease of the breast. Luckily, modern surgical methods leave patients with incision lines that are only around the areola and up and down, eliminating the horizontal incision at the bottom of the breasts. These scars should fade with time and are usually covered by a bra or bathing suit. After surgery, the patient is wrapped in an elastic bandage or a surgical bra over gauze dressings. The bandages are removed a day or two after surgery, though the patient continues wearing the surgical bra around the clock for several weeks, until the swelling and bruising subside. Although the patient may be up and about in a day or two, the breasts may still be tender for a couple of weeks. Most women can return to non-strenuous work, school or social activities in about two weeks.

The best candidates for this surgery are women who are mature enough to fully understand the procedure and have realistic expectations about the results. Every patient and every physician has a different view of what is a desirable size and shape for breasts. In your initial consultation, it's important for you and your mom to discuss your expectations frankly with the plastic surgeon, and to listen to his or her opinion.

Breast reduction surgery helps get rid of the physical discomfort of large breasts, the body looks better proportioned and clothes fit better. Chances are that, like most women, you will be pleased with the results. Talk to a board-certified plastic surgeon to see if this procedure is right for you.

Email Questions and Comments

Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Monday, January 11, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Thermage

Dear Dr. Man, I want younger-looking skin, but these creams don’t just work for me and I’d rather not have a facelift. My friend at the club said she got a treatment called Thermage and she really looks great. Does it really produce such good results; or maybe she got a facelift and doesn’t want to admit it? Please tell me more about Thermage and what I can expect, results-wise. Thanks, Sharon

Dear Sharon, Thermage is a new, technologically advanced approach to treating aging skin. It is currently used for treating loosening of the skin around the eyes, forehead, mouth and other areas of the body.

Thermage works by heating the underlying layers of the skin (dermis) with a unique delivery of radio frequency energy, while protecting the skin's top layer (epidermis) with a cooling spray. This is accomplished with advanced safety features that monitor skin temperature and regulate treatments. Thermage causes immediate collagen contraction, followed by new collagen production over a period of time, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

Each time energy is delivered, there is an immediate cool sensation, followed by a brief hot sensation, and again by a cool sensation. Depending on the size of the area treated, the procedure itself may take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

One of the major benefits of the procedure is that it does not require any downtime, so you can resume normal activities immediately. Minimal redness is seen in some patients, but it usually disappears shortly after treatment. There is no special care needed after treatment. As a part of good skin care, sunscreen is recommended.

Some patients see results soon after treatment; although in most patients, results appear gradually over 2 to 6 months. Recently completed studies demonstrated continued improvements for at least 6 months after a single treatment session. Thermage is very safe. Although this is a relatively new treatment and a new technology, the number of adverse effects has been small.

Without seeing you, it’s difficult to say whether your friend had a facelift or Thermage treatment. While Thermage is an excellent treatment option for many people, it is not a replacement for a facelift or blepharoplasty (eyelid lift). It is important to have realistic expectations when undergoing any treatment.

If you’re considering Thermage or any other procedure, visit a board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist to see what is right for you.

Email Questions and Comments

Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Thread Lift

Dear Dr. Man, I’m 55 years old and am starting to see the signs of aging. As a Christmas gift to myself, I will be getting plastic surgery. I visited a plastic surgeon last week and he recommended I get a thread lift. Can you please tell me how this differs from a traditional facelift? Also, what does this procedure entail?

Thread lifts are an alternative to a face lift for patients who want lifting and tightening of their cheeks, mid-face, jowls or eyebrows, but don't want to undergo major surgery. A thread lift provides many of the benefits of a face lift, with fewer risks and a shorter recovery time.

A thread lift uses threads to make the face appear firmer and more lifted. Thread lifts are done under local IV with sedation. During the procedure, the doctor places a special thread below the skin. The thread is used to lift sagging skin and tissue, which is anchored underneath the hairline. The procedure takes about 1-2 hours. Potential side effects may include bruising and swelling. Recovery usually takes about a week.

Over the years, thread lifts have seen improved methods that have been recently been given FDA approval. The results are almost immediate. Many patients report that a thread lift gives a natural-looking result.

By seeking procedures like thread lifts when the first signs of aging have occurred, patients can take a proactive approach to aging, maintaining a desired appearance before advanced signs are visible.

Like all cosmetic procedures, thread lifts are not for everyone; patients must have realistic expectations about what it can achieve. Ideal candidates for thread lifts include people who have minimal signs of aging and need just a little lift. If major signs of aging are apparent, then more traditional, surgical options may be the best way to achieve a more youthful appearance.

Email Questions and Comments

Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Scars

Dear Dr, Man, I was an kick boxer in my youth and now I am paying for it with the scars on my body. I have several scars on my face and my body. They seem to look worse as I age. I’ve tried those scar creams and they don’t help. Is there surgery available to remove scars, or at least to make them less noticeable?

Plastic surgery treatment for scars has come a long way over the years. Today, plastic surgeons have many different tools at their disposal to reduce and treat scars on practically every part of the body through special scar removal techniques.

First, let’s understand what a scar is. A scar is an overgrowth of fibrous tissue and blood vessels that form as a result of an injury, cut or burn. There are many types of scars. Keloids are very thick clusters of scar tissue that appear as red or purple lesions, often growing outside of the injury, cut or incision. Keloids can be difficult to treat and have a tendency to reappear, even after scar removal treatment.

Hypertrophic scars are similar to keloids and tend to be thick, red and raised, but remain within the boundaries of the original incision or wound. They can often be improved with scar removal methods, such as a simple application of special creams, or injections.

Facial scars, because of their location, are frequently considered a cosmetic problem, whether or not they are hypertrophic. There are several scar removal techniques to make facial scars less noticeable. Often the procedure involves cutting out the scar and closing it with tiny stitches, leaving a thinner, less noticeable scar. Laser scar removal procedures may also be used, as well as creams.

Burns can also cause scars and can result in a loss of a large area of skin. The resulting scar contracts, causing the edges of the skin to be pulled together. This affects adjacent muscles and tendons and restricts normal movement. Burn scars are usually treated with scar removal surgery, using a skin flap, or graph and tissue expansion.

As mentioned above, there are several ways to treat different scars. One option is surgery, which is often necessary to improve the scar. In this case, the surgeon removes excess scar tissue, and repositions the incision so it heals in a less visible pattern. Scar removal surgery is usually done under local or general anesthesia in your surgeon’s office.

Another treatment option is the use of creams and massages. Special creams are applied directly to the scar, which softens the scar tissue and promotes healing by working on the collagen fibers and realigning them. Massage may also be recommended, especially after breast surgery. This helps to break up the scar tissue.

Scars, especially old scars, may be treated with PhotoDerm, a non-invasive laser-like device that emits an intense flash of light that works directly on the scar by reducing the blood vessels present in the scar tissue.

I recommend that you speak to a board-certified plastic surgeon to see which treatment option is right for you. Good luck!

Email Questions and Comments

Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Friday, January 8, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Male Plastic Surgery

Dear Dr. Man, I’m a 52 year old man in very good shape. I’m a top pharmaceutical rep and always need to be in shape and on the go. I do notice that no matter how much I work out, I still have some problem areas on my body. I also have some wrinkles on my face. I should note that I am recently divorced and back on the dating scene, so I want to look my absolute best. How popular is plastic surgery for men? What kinds of procedures are available? Signed, L.S.

Dear L.S, An increasing number of men today are having cosmetic surgery to help them look younger and more attractive. Like women, men have discovered the benefits of cosmetic surgery, both personally and professionally. Men are recognizing that wrinkles, frown lines, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, baldness and double chins may make them look old and tired, and appear less competitive on the job and in their personal lives.

Like women, men want trimmer waists and fewer wrinkles. Many men also desire more hair. Men are rejuvenating their faces with face, neck and eye lifts, forehead and brow lifts; having lasers and peels to remove the wrinkles and make their skin look younger; resculpting their noses, and undergoing liposuction and tummy tucks. What used to be taboo is no longer; many men today go to designer hair salons, get facials and other skin treatments, and even shop at cosmetic counters.

The number of people having cosmetic surgery is up; and men are a large part of that increase. Many of my patients say they don’t want to keep putting off their dreams and goals. Another reason for the increase is that Baby Boomers have reached the “unfashionable” age of 50. In a society that values youth, 50-year-old executives are competing with younger, fitter and more competitive 30-year-olds, who are often willing to work very hard for less money. I hear from many patients that their baggy eyelids and tired appearance often affect their peers’ perception of their ability to perform their job.

Men also find that they want to keep pace with younger-looking wives. For single men, there may be even more pressure to look younger and more attractive on the dating scene.

So, to answer your question, plastic surgery in men is very popular; and there are many options available for men who want to look younger and more attractive. The decision to have plastic surgery is up to each individual. If you’re considering surgery, visit a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss your options and which procedures would be best for you.

Email Questions and Comments

Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Liposuction

Dear Dr. Man, I’ve always been a healthy and in-shape person. I work out in the gym about 5 days a week and I eat right. I’ve also been blessed with good genetics. The problem is that I’ve always had this extra fat around my belly, which seem to get worse with age (I’m 39). Also, I have some extra jiggle around my thighs and my rear end. I want to be able to wear a bikini and feel proud. Is liposuction safe? Is it still a good procedure to consider for these kinds of problems? Signed, Karen

Dear Karen, What you are experiencing is quite common. In fact, that could explain why liposuction is the number one procedure of choice to remove belly fat. Liposuction is safe, requires little downtime, and can be performed on just about any area of the body. It is most commonly used to remove excess fat from the stomach, abdomen, inner and outer thighs, buttocks, back, neck, arms and knees. Scars are minimal; and risks may include swelling, infection and “dimpling” of the skin.

Liposuction is often performed under local anesthesia. Fat is removed by inserting a hollow tube, known as a cannula, through tiny ¼ inch incisions under the skin. The cannula is connected to a suction device that vacuums out the unwanted fat. After liposuction, patients wear a surgical garment for several days to weeks.

Women most often request liposuction to remove excess fatty deposits developed during pregnancy. Tummy pouches, loose belly skin, “love handles” around the waist, flabby arms, and bulges on the back and buttocks are also among the most common complaints. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction is very effective for these areas of “high” density fatty tissue.

Men most often request liposuction in order to remove bulging around the waist (a.k.a. spare tires) and calves, and to reduce the appearance of enlarged male breasts, a condition known as gynecomastia. Since “six pack abs” have become quite popular among men, we are seeing a procedure known as “ab etching” increase in popularity as well. This procedure removes fat between the muscles and ribs, so that the ab muscles appear more prominently. This gives the patient a much more defined, muscle-toned appearance.

Sometimes patients request another procedure, such as a tummy tuck, in conjunction with the liposuction. Which procedures you get depends on the amount of fat you need removed and what your desired results are. Larger volumes of excess fat or loose skin may require a surgical tummy tuck or other procedure, or a combination thereof.

Talk to a board-certified plastic surgeon to see if liposuction is right for you.

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Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Top Face Lift

Dear Dr. Man, I’m only 47 years old and my body is in shape, but my face needs some help. My eyebrows are droopy and saggy, and I have lines and creases in my forehead. It makes me look so old! What do I need done? I’m tempted to say a facelift, but only the top of my face is what is affected. Please advise.

As we age, it is very common to develop droopy eyebrows, hooding over eyes, forehead creases and frown lines. A forehead lift (a.k.a. "brow lift") can help to reduce deep creases, horizontal lines, and furrows in the forehead, while lifting heavy, droopy eyebrows that can create a hooding effect over the eyes. A forehead lift or "browlift" is a procedure that restores a more youthful, refreshed look to the area above the eyes. The procedure corrects drooping brows and improves the horizontal lines and furrows that can make a person appear angry, sad or tired.

In a forehead lift, the muscles and tissues that cause the furrowing or drooping are removed or altered to smooth the forehead, raise the eyebrows and minimize frown lines. Your surgeon may use the conventional surgical method, in which the incision is hidden just behind the hairline; or it may be performed with the use of an endoscope, a viewing instrument that allows the procedure to be performed with minimal incisions. Both techniques yield similar results- smoother forehead skin and a more animated appearance.

The forehead muscles run vertically down the forehead and attach to the eyebrows and eye sockets. In a forehead lift, the muscles and tissues that cause the furrowing or drooping are repositioned to smooth the forehead, raise the eyebrows and minimize frown lines. Frown lines between the eyes can also be reduced with the use of Botox injections. The results give the face a more alert, rested and youthful appearance.

A forehead lift is generally performed right in the plastic surgeon’s office under general or I.V. sedation, through an endoscope using small incisions. This procedure lasts approximately one to two hours. During recovery, patients may experience temporary swelling, bruising, or numbness. Patients are usually back to work in several days.

Visit a board-certified plastic surgeon to find out exactly what treatment would be best for you.

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Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Breast Reconstruction

Dear Dr. Man, I’m having my breast removed in 3 weeks because of cancer. My doctor gave me the option of putting in an implant in during surgery, which I will be doing. Can you describe the differences between having an implant inserted versus not? Can you please tell me more about these surgeries? Signed, Surviving in Boca

Dear Surviving, Reconstruction of a breast that has been removed due to cancer or other disease is one of the most rewarding surgical procedures available and an important part of recovery for women after a mastectomy. Today, new medical techniques and devices have made it possible for surgeons to create a natural-looking breast that can come close in form and appearance to matching a natural breast. Frequently, reconstruction is possible at the same time immediately following breast removal.

The most common reconstruction technique uses breast implants. This process involves several stages; first, a temporary tissue expander is inserted and gradually filled in order to increase the skin in the area. This prepares the breast for the final stage, insertion of a permanent implant.

Many women desiring breast reconstruction do not want breast implants, but instead prefer natural reconstruction. This procedure is called a Tram Flap (Transverse Island Abdominal Flap) and uses skin and muscle to create a new breast. The Tram Flap is really two procedures in one; a tummy tuck and breast reconstruction. It uses a woman's own body tissue to form a new breast, rather than using a permanent implant. The Tram Flap involves taking tissue and muscle from the abdomen and transferring it under the chest wall to the mastectomy site, where the skin and muscle is then shaped and sutured into place. A nipple and areola are then added at a later time, completing the new breast. The abdominal skin is then stretched and tightened as in most tummy tuck operations. Not all women are candidates for this procedure. Patients should speak to their doctors to discuss which options are right for them.

I wish you the best of luck during your surgery and your recovery.

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Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Monday, January 4, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Smart Lipo

Dear Dr. Man, I’m 35 and my sister is 45 but she’s got a better body than me because she had liposuction. I’d love to get lipo, but I’m an attorney and can’t afford to have much, if any, downtime. I saw an ad for Smartlipo and it claims that people can return to work the next day. Is this true? Does it have the same great results as regular lipo?

The first thing to remember is that results vary depending on each person. What worked for your sister may not be the best choice for you. Before considering any surgery, be sure to speak to a board-certified plastic surgeon so you have realistic expectations for whatever procedure you choose to have done.

That being said, Smartlipo is the first and only laser lipolysis system to offer a revolutionary, minimally-invasive procedure for the removal of fat. Using a high-powered laser, Smartlipo is a new laser body sculpting procedure that requires less downtime and fewer side effects than traditional liposuction.

Smartlipo can be a great supplement to traditional liposuction procedures, although it does not replace conventional liposuction. Smartlipo is ideal for treating small areas of the face, neck, arms, breasts, and areas of loose and flabby skin. For most patients, usually only one treatment is required.

If you have areas of fat that do not respond well to diet and exercise, then you may be a candidate for Smartlipo. Ideal candidates are generally in good health, of normal body weight and have realistic expectations for the results.

A very small cannula (tube) containing a laser fiber is inserted into the skin. The cannula is moved back and forth, delivering the laser’s energy directly to the fat cells, causing them to rupture and easily drain away. Because the cannula is smaller than the traditional cannula used for liposuction, Smartlipo is a minimally invasive procedure and can be performed under local anesthesia. The laser causes small blood vessels to coagulate immediately on contact, resulting in less bleeding, swelling and bruising, as well as a quicker recovery time than conventional liposuction. Because general anesthesia is unnecessary, the procedure is very safe.

The session may last from 45 minutes to one hour for each area treated. After the treatment, patients wear a compression garment for several days to several weeks, depending on the body area being treated.

Everyone heals differently, but there is usually minimal. Results can be seen in as soon as a week, with continued improvement over several months. The really good news is that Smartlipo provides lasting results. Adults do not create new fat cells; when a person gains weight, existing fat cells expand. The Smartlipo procedure permanently removes fat cells; so, if you do gain weight, most of the fat will be deposited in areas where the procedure was not performed. Good luck to you!

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Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ask Dr. Man- Ear Surgery

Dear Dr. Man, My eight year old son is handsome and outgoing, but has ears that stick out. It’s never been much of an issue, but now he’s beginning to get teased. I talked to other mothers about this and they think I should wait until he’s older to have the surgery, but I don’t want him to be the subject of ridicule. Is he too young to get surgery to correct this issue? What can we expect from this surgery? What does it entail?

Ear surgery, otherwise known as otoplasty, is usually done to set prominent ears back closer to the head or to reduce the size of large ears. For many people, especially school age children, large, protruding ears can be an embarrassment and the source of teasing from classmates. Luckily, there are procedures available to help. Many children over the age of four have this surgery. Because of the emotional aspect of having large, protruding ears, it is usually better to have the surgery earlier rather than later.

Otoplasty is usually performed with IV sedation. The procedure, which takes about 2-3 hours, requires the surgeon to remove skin and cartilage from the back of the ear. Sutures are placed behind the ear and over the repaired cartilage. Even when only one ear appears to protrude, surgery is usually performed on both ears for a better balance.

Immediately after surgery, the patient's head is wrapped to promote the best molding and healing. Within a few days, the dressings and stitches are either removed or will dissolve in about a week. Scars are well hidden. Patients are usually back to school or work in a week.

In the initial meeting, your plastic surgeon will evaluate your son’s condition and recommend the most effective technique. He or she will also give you specific instructions on how to prepare your son for surgery. Most patients, young and old alike, are very pleased with the results of ear surgery. If you and your son have discussed the procedure and expectations with the surgeon before the operation, chances are you both will be quite pleased with the results. Good luck!

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Dr. Man

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist. He has a successful private practice in Boca Raton, FL. For more information about Dr. Man, visit